


Stephanie McCurry is Professor of History at Columbia University and specializes in the American Civil War and Reconstruction, the 19th-century United States, the American South, and the history of women and gender. Her current work focuses on the epic human drama of Reconstruction in the U.S. and the comparative history of postwar societies and processes of reconstruction in the 19th and 20th centuries.



News | Stephanie McCurry’s most recent book Women's War: Fighting and Surviving the American Civil War was recognized by PEN Oakland with the Josephine Miles Award


Civil War Legacies

Stephanie McCurry has written and spoken extensively about the Confederacy and the memory of the Civil War and is available for journalists on related issues, including Confederate monuments and memory, proslavery ideas, and slavery and its legacy in United States.

Contact here.

See Stephanie McCurry’s last appearance on CBS News here.

“A stunning portrayal of a tragedy endured and survived by women.”
— David W. Blight

More in Books.

Read in The Atlantic :

The Confederacy Was an Antidemocratic, Centralized State
The actual Confederate States of America was a repressive state devoted to white supremacy | June 21, 2020

More in Essays.